Sequential Art







At the dawning of a new era for liberation of thought, artist (Christine Shea) and writer (Wendy-O Matik) combine forces to give birth to the Return of the Matriarchy. In a world plagued by war, intolerance, oppression, and near-planetary extinction, bold, fearless warrior women take back their streets, lives, bodies, and minds.

This revolutionary graphic novel offers a courageous new vision of a future where women rise up to demand justice and equality for all species, great and small. Breaking new feminist ground in comic book "herstory," so begins this story of a visionary comic book heroine, a warrior in battle, a gladiator with sword and shield, pen and paper,blood and stone, heart in hand.

But what we all really want to know is.

Will love prevail in the end?
(release date pending in the coming epoch)


Copyright © by Wendy-O Matik & Christine Shea
All Rights Reserved